What we do

NySMAC promotes cooperation and coordination between actors engaged in research and environmental monitoring in Ny-Ålesund, and contributes to the development of Ny-Ålesund as an outstanding site for Arctic research and monitoring. NySMAC provides advice and comments on research projects, research planning and coordination, infrastructure development, and environmental protection, and promotes collaboration, mutual understanding and friendship. As a major initiative to promote international collaboration, NySMAC contributed to the development of the four Ny-Ålesund flagship programmes.

NySMAC convenes twice a year.

Who we are

NySMAC currently consists of 18 member institutions, and four observer institutions.

The current chair is Kjersti Tørnkvist (NILU) and the current vice-chair is Iain Rudkin (BAS).

The NySMAC secretariat is hosted by the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø.

Central NySMAC documents

NySMAC has the following governing documents:

NySMAC document archive

The meeting documents from previous NySMAC meetings can be found in the dedicated password-protected NySMAC archive. Contact the NySMAC secretariat if you need the password.

The general document archive contains all NySMAC documents which are open for all. Use the category NySMAC to find all these.

NySMACs internal PID forum

The NySMAC PID forum is an internal forum for NySMAC members to inform and discuss about project and program activities and other more general issues.

Log in to PID forum

NySMAC working groups

NySMAC has established two permanent interest groups to focus on issues of long-term interest for NySMAC, namely the Radio Silence Working Group (RSWG) and the Field Safety Working Group (FSWG).

Both groups have a relative open mandate from NySMAC to focus on and discuss issues related to the themes (radio silence and field safety) and bring awareness and specific issues to the table at NySMAC meetings. The groups report to NySMAC at NySMAC meetings.

The current chair for the RSWG is Carsten Falck (GFZ), and for the FSWG is Arnt Rennan (NPI).      

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NySMAC Events

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