Last 1st of August, for three days, around 20 polar scientists met in Ny-Ålesund to join the workshop organised by the Ny-Ålesund Terrestrial Ecosystem Flagship.

Thanks to the project: “Terrestrial Ecosystem Flagship in Ny-Ålesund: From workshops to research projects” running from 2021 to 2023, the participants discussed about future collaborations and possible joint proposals. In doing that, they planned and realised a pilot study taking advantage of established sites in Ny-Ålesund. They performed sampling, analysis and measurements according to their skills and scientific interests both on long-term increased nutrient supply and on snow fences.

Working together in the field allowed to strengthen the cooperation by combining different experimental approaches used to answer different questions by starting from a common state of art.

The participants in the field collecting samples for further studies and discussion.

Read more about the project “Going from workshops to reserach projects” here.

The four Flagships in Ny-Ålesund are aslo going to do a joint workshop with focus on nutrients in the Arctic in Orivieto, Italy in September. Read more about this workshop here.

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