Photo: Geir Wing Gabrielsen (NPI)
IV – Project follow-up
Part four of the Researchers' Guide is short, but nonetheless important. Your feedback (positive or negative!) is important to help improve the services offered in Ny-Ålesund. Updating your information in RiS, and contributing to the Ny-Ålesund Research Station Annual Report, will help inform your colleagues about the output from your project.
Evaluation form
Feedback from users is important in the continued development of services offered by Kings Bay AS, by the Norwegian Polar Institute, and by your host institution. We therefore encourage researchers to share their thoughts on what works, and where we need to improve our information and services. To this end we have developed a feedback form which we encourage all researchers to fill in, and submit:
Feedback Form: Ny-Ålesund Research Station
Feedback forms are sent to NPI in Ny-Ålesund, and any issues will be communicated to the relevant actors in Ny-Ålesund – be it Kings Bay AS, NPI, or your host institution. (For instance, feedback related to the operation of common infrastructure will call for participation from Kings Bay AS.)
We will send you information on what measures have been taken to address any issues raised, or if no measures are taken (at this time), do our best to explain why.
If you prefer, the feedback can be submitted anonymously.
Follow-up and reporting
Scientific output from activities in Ny-Ålesund will be presented in an annual report, highlighting research results, including a list of publications, contribution to international networks and important research campaigns. All institutions, research groups and researchers with activity in Ny-Ålesund are encouraged to contribute actively to the annual report.
If you have set up a new instrument, or manipulated the ground, please contact your host institution so that they can assist you with entering relevant information into the Ny-Ålesund GIS system. This will ensure that updated information is available for all in the Ny-Ålesund Research Objects layer in Svalbardkartet. Please also update your project information in the RiS portal.
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