Start: 26.05.2022

Time: 19:45

Place: Zeppelin lounge

“Researchers, students, and technicians from NTNU, UNIS and UiT has been in Ny-Ålesund for a week now and carried out different surveys in Kongsfjorden with respect to marine biology, oceanography and looked into how sunlight is affecting different processes. They have sampled and measured a variety of parameters in the fjord, and been testing a lot of equipment called the observation pyramid ranging from two autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), two fully equipped unmanned boats, unmanned aerial drones, and also been communicating with satellites! All to build knowledge about what happens in the Arctic ocean and how different processes are linked together. A team from this group will present for the commons in Ny-Ålesund about their research on Thursday in the Zeppelin lounge after dinner. Come and listen to this exiting talk!”

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