Kongsfjorden system flagship meeting
Start: 01.10.2020
Ends: 01.10.2020
Time: 08:00 - 11:00
Place: Online
Due to the Covid-virus the Kongsfjorden system flagship programme had to cancel the workshop planned for Tromsø in June 2020.
To keep up the pace in these special times, the flagship is planning an online open flagship meeting 1st October 2020 at 08:00-11:00 UTC, and we invite you to take part. The meeting will take place at a digital platform Teams/Zoom, and only those who register below will receive the link to the meeting.
We would also like to receive input from you on issues to put on the agenda.
A tentative agenda is as follows:
- Flagship updates since last meeting
- Covid situation in Ny-Ålesund Research Station
- Update on the joint flagship Nutrient workshop
- Update from the 7 WPs
- Ny-Ålesund research strategy
- Status with regard to the marine infrastructure in Ny-Ålesund (Old pier, marine laboratory, Teisten).
- Long term needs for infrastructure used for marine research and monitoring in Ny-Ålesund
- Change of the flagship chair
- Future possibilities from Svalbard Strategic Grants
- Way forward? (input to next NySMAC meeting in November?)
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