The French Polar Institute (IPEV), France

The French Polar Institute (IPEV) is the resources agency for furthering French research in the polar regions. The French Polar Institute makes available human, logistical and technical resources and funding, but also sets the legal framework necessary for developing national polar and subpolar scientific research.

IPEV has focused their activities in Ny-Ålesund within atmospheric and life sciences. IPEV runs the Jean Corbel (Corbel) located about 5 kilometers south-east of Ny-Ålesund. Corbel runs almost entirely on renewable energy.

IPEV has a key function in Ny-Ålesund in that it assesses, accepts and hosts projects in Ny-Ålesund initiated by researchers from France.

IPEV established the Charles Rabot (Rabot) in 1999. In 2003 AWI and IPEV merged their operations in Ny-Ålesund, and created the joint AWIPEV, which has a permanent (all year round) staff of three persons in Ny-Ålesund.


NySMAC representative
Dominique Fleury 

Dominique Fleury 

Location in Ny-Ålesund

  • AWIPEV Atmospheric Observatory
  • Blue House
  • Rabot 
  • Corbel

Ny-Ålesund on-site staff 
+47 79 02 68 60

Looking for additional information?
Please visit the IPEV Ny-Ålesund website  or AWIPEV website

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