Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany

Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) focuses on polar and marine research in the Arctic and Antarctic. It also coordinates German polar research efforts. AWI explores all aspects of the Earth system – from the atmosphere to the ocean floor by combining innovative approaches, research infrastructure and long expertise. 

AWI  research and monitoring activities in Ny-Ålesund are focused on marine biology, geophysics (permafrost research), and atmospheric physics. AWI operates several observatories in Ny-Ålesund; The AWIPEV Atmospheric Observatory, the underwater observatory, and the permafrost Observatory. 

AWI has a key function in Ny-Ålesund in that it assesses, accepts and hosts projects in Ny-Ålesund initiated by researchers from Germany. 

AWI has been present in Ny-Ålesund since 1991. In 2003 AWI and IPEV merged their operations in Ny-Ålesund, and created the joint AWIPEV, which has a permanent (all year round) staff of three persons in Ny-Ålesund.


NySMAC representative 
Scientific coordinator Marion Maturilli

Scientific coordinator Marion Maturilli

Location in Ny-Ålesund

Ny-Ålesund on-site staff
+47 79 02 68 60

Looking for additional information?
Please visit the AWIPEV website 

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