MS Teisten is a small work boat (31 feet long) equipped to do small scale scientific operations and surveys in Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden. MS Teisten can operate all year, but depending on the weather and ice conditions. MS Teisten has field sampling equipment and safety equipment available on board.

Owner: Kings Bay AS

Contact person: Kings Bay Lab Manager ((+47) 7902 7270 /

Booking procedures

The boat, including captain, fuel and sampling equipment, can be rented by all scientists visiting Ny-Ålesund. Bookings should be made through the RiS portal. Bookings should be done as early as possible.

The use of Teisten always depends on the weather and ice conditions, and Kings Bay AS takes no responsibility for cancellation due to unfavourable conditions at sea.

Please see price list at the bottom of this page.

An extra fee might be added to cover the cost of external skipper outside main season.

For booking, details and specific questions concerning the equipment, please contact

Main focus area

Marine biology sampling, marine sedimentology, plankton, fish, CTD, UAV, etc.


Small boat with capacity of five passengers in addition to the captain. For scientific work on board the maximum number of passengers is restricted to four. It is also possible to rent help from Kings Bay if field/sampling assistance is needed.

Equipment on board and available field sampling equipment

  • 450 m wire (100 kg) and 1000 m wire (ca 1000 kg)
  • Crane with speed and meter counter
  • Three small hand nets
  • Plankton net (40 µm, da 50 cm, l 280 cm), WP-2 net (200 µm, 500µm) with choker, and WP-3 net (1000 µm)
  • Spare bucket for WP-2 (200µm) and WP-3 (500µm)
  • Rectangular and triangular dredge 
  • Nansen release mechanism
  • Mechanical flow-meter with back-run
  • Van Veen grab (1000 cm2 and 500 cm2) an day grab 1000 cm2 (includes rack with funnel and sieves)
  • Niskin bottles (6×10 liter and 3 liter)
  • Drop messengers and lead weights
  • STD/CTD (SAIV model SD204) with fluorometer, turbidity meter and software

MS Teisten also has safety equipment available on board, such as life raft, life belts and survival suits.

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