Start: 31.10.2023

Ends: 01.11.2023

Place: Scandic Fornebu

Svalbard Science Conference focuses on achieving excellent science through cooperation, enhancing cooperation and quality within Svalbard research, building and strengthening interdisciplinary and international networks and consolidating Svalbard as an attractive platform for Arctic research.

Researchers, research managers and stakeholders are now invited to the fourth Svalbard Science Conference.

There will be inspirational talks from invited keynotes and participants are invited to take an active role through presentations, poster sessions and group discussions. The conference will also contain a range of side events, for example meetings in the four flagships in Ny-Ålesund.

Registration and call for abstract submission is now open.

Register here

Submit abstract here

Information and book of abstracts from previous SSC.

The organizing committee for SSC2023 are The Research Council of Norway, The Norwegian Polar Institute, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute and Svalbard Science Forum.

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