Ny-Ålesund Terrestrial Ecosystem Flagship seminar series: Part II – Mathilde Le Moullec (NTNU) on ice-manipulation on plots
Start: 06.04.2022
Ends: 06.04.2022
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Place: Zoom
The Ny-Ålesund Terrestrial Ecosystem Flagship has initiated a seminar series consisting of four online meetings before the summer season of 2022. The aim is to have presentations on methodologies and discussions about the common Terrestrial Ecosystem Flagship project. The seminar series will showcase potential methodologies the flagship can use, and will serve to inspire and create discussions before the summer season in Ny-Ålesund. Each seminar is scheduled for 2 hours (between 14-16 CET). The talks will be about 15 min each, meaning that at each meeting there will be plenty of time to continuously discuss and plan the upcoming summer work.
The meeting will be on Zoom: https://npolar-no.zoom.us/j/66059334158?pwd=bjVSZm5jWUlmQzRMRCtjT0xhd0t3UT09 (meeting ID: 660 5933 4158, passcode: 390793).
The rest of the seminar series are as follows:
- May 11: Simen Hjelle on the BIG transect project
- May 25: Open discussion and finalizing details before the summer season starts
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