Photo: Christina A. Pedersen (NPI)
56th NySMAC meeting
Start: 27.03.2022
Ends: 28.03.2022
Time: 09:00 - 15:30
Place: The Arctic University of Norway - UiT, Tromsø, Norway. Meeting room 2.006
Norwegian Polar Institute will host the 56th NySMAC meeting in Tromsø, Norway, as part of the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 26 March-1 April 2022.
The NySMAC meeting will take place Sunday 27-Monday 28 March 2022, times will be 09:00-15:30 local time each day. Zoom-linkes will be provided to those who will attend remotely.
The NySMAC meeting is a closed meeting for members, observers and guests only.
The NySMAC Secretariat is responsible for the practical arrangements regarding the meeting.
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