International focus on seabirds in Kongsfjorden!
Seabird`s functions as indicators on the health of marine ecosystems, and has been studied and monitored by several international teams in Ny-Ålesund and Kongsfjorden for decades. Teams from Norway, the Netherlands and France do their field work during summer.
Research and monitoring of several species
The Netherlands
Focus on Barnacle Geese and Arctic Terns
Focus on Kittiwakes and pollutants
Monitoring and research programs
The Norwegian national monitoring system that presents and interprets data collected from Kongsfjorden is the Environmental Monitoring of Svalbard and Jan Mayen (MOSJ).
Several programs delivers data to the MOSJ- system, where Seabird populations (SEAPOP) and its module SEATRACK is such programmes.
Data about pollutants also goes into the The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), which is one of six Working Groups of the Arctic Council.
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