Photo: Anders Røeggen
Oil spill preparedness exercise in Kongsfjorden
The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) has summoned the task force in the Longyearbyen depot and other contracting parties to an exercise on Svalbard in the period 26.09 to 29.09, with practical exercise in Kongsfjorden the 27th and the 28th of September.
The NCA is the environmental protection authority in Svalbard when it comes to acute pollution or the risk of acute pollution. In minor individual cases, the authority is normally delegated to the Governor.
The exercise will be arranged around a scenario where oil spills in Kongsfjorden, and the task force in Svalbard has to be summoned.
The main objectives for the exercise in September 2022 are:
- Training of the NCA force on Svalbard in mobilization and efforts in the emergency phase of a beach action with relevant material with assistance from resources at Polarsyssel and Kings Bay.
- Testing of the cooperation between state and private resources
- Tactical exercise at sea
- Logistics support and equipment-specific training
The operative part of the exercise will take place in Kongsfjorden, Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th of September, where a scenario from Ny-Ålesund will be played out.
Following resources will take part in the exercise:
- Polarsyssel (The Governor in Svalbard)
- OV Bøkfjord (NCA)
- KV Harstad (The Norwegian Coastguard)
- Teisten (Kings Bay AS)
- Advent Supplier
For questions about the exercise please contact Marine Ilg (Kings Bay):

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