Photo: Silvia Giamberini, CNR
Terrestrial ecosystem flagship poster session in Ny-Ålesund
by Angela Augusti, CNR, chair Terrestrial ecosystem flagship
6th of July, in Ny-Ålesund, there was a poster session about the terrestrial ecosystem projects taking place in Ny-Ålesund this summer.
Ten short presentations have shown among other topics, the different aspects of geese adaptation to climate change and their hormones rhythmicity, the critical zone processes at the Bayelva basin and the transfer of freshwater from glacier to sea, the characterization of photosynthesis in vascular plant and their adaptation to low light intensity, the carbon allocation in plant and soil and the microbial decomposition in grazed soils, the PFAS soil contamination and the active layer and snow depth monitoring activities.
The session was an opportunity to find common research interests and to build new collaborative activities sharing different experimental approaches among the terrestrial communities in Ny-Ålesund.
Download the 10 presentations here

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