March 2023 insights

Ny-Ålesund Research Station Newsletter

After the quiet of the winter season, activity is set to pick up in the months ahead, with both research projects, media actors and official visits lined up.

In the beginning of spring there has also just been the NySMAC- meeting as a preparation for the upcoming season. Kindly hosted by the University of Vienna as part of the Polar Science Summit Week, NySMAC member institutions convened in Vienna in late February to discuss common issues and activities. An important item on the agenda for NySMAC was to consider the recommendations from a task force on field safety. The recommendations from the task force (with input from NySMAC) will eventually be included in an updated version of the NySMAC Handbook and in the Researchers' Guide. Important work, particularly in light of the changes we have seen over the last few years in the number of polar bears in the Kongsfjorden area in the summer season.

On that note, we wish you a productive late winter / early spring preparing for the field season ahead!

Updates from the research station

Ny-Ålesund Research Station has updated the weapon information on our website to make information about the application process to The Governor on Svalbard for weapon license more available. Click here and read the information under section 5.

Kings Bay has renewed their contract on air transport from Longyearbyen with Lufttransport for six new years (2024-2030).

From 2023, the Governor of Svalbard has introduce four fixed application deadlines per year for research activity in Svalbard (required permissions). For fieldwork in June, July, and August the deadline is 1st of March. Read more about the deadlines here.

The Governor has specified the rules related to foreign driver licences on Svalbard. Read about the rules and exemptions here.

Bookings of fieldwork to Ny-Ålesund research station are currently arriving for 2023. The first digital seminar prior to fieldwork was conducted the 5th of January within the Kongsfjorden system flagship. Invitation to digital seminars within the other flagships will be sent out during the next months.

The Ny-Ålesund research station are currently in a process with updating the content in the nyalesundresearch.no website. Please send input for improvements if you have any. E-mail with input can be sent to reserach.nya@npolar.no.

Updates from the flagships programmes

The first digital seminar prior to fieldwork was conducted the 5th of January within the Kongsfjorden system flagship. Invitation to digital seminars within the other flagships will be sent out during the next months.

More about the Flagships here





Terresterial ecosystems

Terrestrial Ecosystems

Kongsfjorden system

Kongsfjorden System

Research highlights

High activity at the marinelab in the dark season

Categories: Kongsfjorden system, Marine biology

This January and February five different projects with more than 20 scientist has been working in the Marinelab in Ny-Ålesund Reserach Station!
High activity at the marinelab in the dark season


Svalbard Science Conference 2023

The Svalbard Science Conference 2023 (SSC2023) will be held at Scandic Fornebu, Oslo the 31st of October to the 1st of November 2023. The committee for the scientific programme has been established and they are working on setting up an exciting programme!

All events are listed here


The Research Council of Norway calls for proposals on Funding for Coordination and Network Activities in Svalbard, Svalbard Strategic Grant (SSG). The program encourages workshops and network projects that advance coordination, collaboration and open sharing of data. The deadline of the call is 15th of March 2023.

Image of the month

The sun is now back in Ny-Ålesund Reserach Station, and a new season is at the doorsteps! Good luck to all that are planning spring/summer campaigns!
Photo by: Elias Sundby Aukan

Please contact us at post@nyalesundresearch.no to have your image shown in the next newsletter.
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