December 2022 insights

Ny-Ålesund Research Station Newsletter

Another busy and productive year is coming to an end. For many of you, field work in Ny-Ålesund has been part of what has kept you busy. For others it has been another year where travelling to Ny-Ålesund has been severely hampered by covid restrictions. We hope that conditions will - finally - be back to normal in 2023!

The 57th NySMAC meeting took place in Groningen the last week of October - generously hosted by the University of Groningen's Arctic Centre. Among the agenda items was a conclusion to the process of identifying research infrastructure gaps and future development of common research infrastructures in Ny-Ålesund. Thank you to all the flagships for providing valuable input! Now the main focus will be on securing funding - i.e., the tricky bit...

Another important project presented at the meeting was an update from the NySMAC task force on safety. Given the more frequent sightings of polar bears in the Kongsfjorden area, the gathering of best practices in field safety, and the processes of building understanding and awareness of new challenges to field work will be increasingly important in the years to come.

The four flagships have continued and expanded on their activities in 2022, and the cross-flagship initiative on Nutrient cycles in the Arctic is proceeding as planned. The Svalbard Strategic Grant continues to be an important funding mechanism for networking, and it is very welcome that the current call continues the policy of giving priority to activities that develop the four Ny-Ålesund flagship programmes.

On that note we wish you all a peaceful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year, and hope to see as many of you as possible in Ny-Ålesund in 2023!

Updates from the research station

The Ny-Ålesund research station are currently in a process with updating the content in the nyalesundresearch.no website. Please send input for improvements if you have any. E-mail with input can be sent to reserach.nya@npolar.no.

Bookings of fieldwork to Ny-Ålesund research station are currently arriving for 2023. To stimulate to more coordination and cross project cooperation the Flagships in Ny-Ålesund together with the Norwegian Polar Institute are planning digital seminars prior to your fieldwork within different topics. E-mails with invitations will be sent out.

The Norwegian Polar Institute has finalized the feedback process of user experience from the new RiS 3.0. The Svalbard Science Forum (SSF) will take the input into consideration further improvement/development. If bugs or errors still occur, do not hesitate to bring this over to SSF on email: ssf@rcn.no

Kings Bay has this summer rehabilitated the quay for smaller vessels in Ny-Ålesund. A new cover has been cast for better and safer access.
Parts of the floating jetty will also be replaced with new mooring places for small boats.
Next season, it is planned to build a dock house to store equipment such as life jackets.

Updates from the flagships programmes

Joint Flagship activity

The project Nutrient cycle in the Arctic brought together researchers from all four Ny-Ålesund flagships in a workshop in Orvieto, Italy in September 2022. One of the outputs from the workshop is to write two publications: 1) on nitrogen budget and 2) on using stable isotope approach to study the Nutrient cycle in the Arctic. Do you work on the Nutrient cycles in Ny-Ålesund/Kongsfjorden and have detailed data or knowledge regarding the in- and outflux of Nutrients to Kongsfjorden, or do you work with stable isotopes as an approach to study the Nutrients in the Arctic? – Then we would like to get you involved in our common publications.

More about the Flagships here





Terresterial ecosystems

Terrestrial Ecosystems

Kongsfjorden system

Kongsfjorden System

Research highlights

Glacier mass balance in 2021/2022 in the Ny-Ålesund area

Categories: Glaciology

Read about the results from the mass balance monitoring of four area glaciers around Ny-Ålesund, carried out by The Norwegian Polar Institute...
Glacier mass balance in 2021/2022 in the Ny-Ålesund area

Looking into microbial communities in the Arctic

Categories: Kongsfjorden system, Terrestrial ecosystem

Read about the DFG-funded German research consortium STRUFUMICON that study different aspects in the microbial communities when climate change …
Looking into microbial communities in the Arctic

The SUN SPEARS project investigates the soil when glacier retreats

Categories: Glaciology, Terrestrial ecosystem

Read about soil investigation of retreating glaciers carried out by scientists from the UK and USA, supported by the NERC in Ny-Ålesund research station (the SUN SPEARS project)...
The SUN SPEARS project investigates the soil when glacier retreats

New article out on Black guillemots and seabirds in Kongsfjorden!

Categories: Kongsfjorden system

Read this new article from The Norwegian Polar Institute in collaboration with the University of Bergen about glacier-related ecological interactions where tidewater glacier sets up favorable feeding conditions for diving seabirds...
New article out on Black guillemots and seabirds in Kongsfjorden!

Important milestone for the Norwegian Mapping Authority’s geodetic Earth observatory

Categories: NySMAC

Read about The Norwegian Mapping Authority’s new north antenna at Brandallaguna in Ny-Ålesund that finally has started operations within the international geodetic network...
Important milestone for the Norwegian Mapping Authority’s geodetic Earth observatory


Join the Polar Night Week, 23-27 January in Longyearbyen!
This annual meeting brings the SIOS community together for science seminars, working group meetings and plenary discussions. One of the highlights is the release of newest issue of the State of Environmental Science (SESS) report.
Deadline for registration: 15 December.
Read more here

All events are listed here


The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
The RCN calls for proposals on Svalbard in a pan-Arctic context. Submission Deadline: 08. February 2023. Funding is intended to support projects that strengthen knowledge about the environment on Svalbard, seen in a pan-Arctic context. The RCN will prioritize (among other priorities) projects that contributes to international coordination of regional and global observation systems and/or uses existing research infrastructure for example in Ny-Ålesund.

SIOS first Optimisation Call!
The aim of the call is to stimulate cooperation within SIOS to develop the observing system and research infrastructure, and to position the SIOS community to respond to larger funding calls. Read more and submit your proposal by 16 December 2022.

Image of the month

The 57th NySMAC meeting took place in Groningen the last week of October - generously hosted by the University of Groningen's Arctic Centre. Thank you to all participants for providing valuable input!

Please contact us at post@nyalesundresearch.no to have your image shown in the next newsletter.
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